Service Alerts and News

Service Alert- RBdigital links to individual titles not working

Update 7/16/19: We are still working on a resolution to this issue. 

Update 1/10/17:

*This solution is only for libraries using NC LIVE Hosted Proxy or a local proxy *

We have found a solution for libraries using MARC records for RBdigital who have NC LIVE Hosted Proxy or a local proxy. Currently, the link in the 856 field is not directing users to the title record page. Instead, users are directed to the RBdigital homepage.

The problem is caused by the hashtag (#) in the RBdigital URL. To fix this, please encode your 856 URLs in the following manner:

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Six New EBSCO Resources Now Available!

All NC LIVE member libraries now have access to Automate, Biography Reference Center, Biography Reference Bank, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, MasterFile Premier (Consumer Reports) and NoveList Plus.

These are new resources for NC LIVE's 2018- 2020 Resource Cycle, and they may be used by all library staff and patrons. As with all new 2018-2020 resources, the NC LIVE contract for these products begins on January 1, 2018. EBSCO is providing courtesy early access to these resources.

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NC LIVE Resources Expiring on December 31, 2017

 On December 31, 2017, NC LIVE access to the following resources will end:


InfoTrac Newstand

LearningExpress Library

Natural Medicines


D&B Business Browser (formerly OneSource)

Oxford Reference Online

Pronunciator & ProCitizen

What will NC LIVE do?
In order to make this a smooth transition, NC LIVE will gradually phase out access.

December 20- NC LIVE will remove links to expiring resources from our A-Z resource page. Direct links will continue to work until December 31.

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Films on Demand Video Links Down

Update: This issue has been resolved.

Links to individual videos from Infobase/Films on Demand are currently not redirecting. Users see a "page not found" error message. To access these videos, use the direct link to Films on Demand (, and search within that interface. We are working on a solution with Infobase and will keep you updated of developments.

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