Summon and Alma Libraries- LearningExpress Library and PrepSTEP

We have created new Institutional Repositories (IR) for NC LIVE's LearningExpress Library and PrepSTEP collections in Summon. Previously, the records for these collections were located in the NC LIVE Catalog (SV-) in Summon and Alma. Moving the collections to their own IRs will allow users from each institution to access the records using their unique institutional ID for LearningExpress Library and PrepSTEP, thus creating better usage reliability and consistency. 

NC LIVE PrepSTEP-  Summon Database Code: PGHSK
NC LIVE LearningExpress Library- Summon Database code: LKQQG

No Action is Necessary for Summon Libraries: 

  • All Community Colleges, UNC Schools and NCICU schools with Summon, have been automatically subscribed to PrepSTEP (PGHSK). 
  • All Public Libraries with Summon have been automatically subscribed to LearningExpress Library (LKQQG).
  • LearningExpress Library records previously located in the NC LIVE Catalog have been removed. All changes will be live by the end of the week (September 27th). 

Alma Libraries- directions for access:

Ex Libris is going to work on adding these collections to the Community Zone, but this is not available yet. In the meantime, please use these directions to subscribe to NC LIVE PrepSTEP (PGHSK). 

We hope this provides greater ease of access for users, and increased usage for libraries. Please contact the NC LIVE Help Desk with any questions!