Support education, enhance economic development, and improve the quality of life of North Carolinians by procuring as much relevant, high-quality digital content as possible.
Selection Criteria
All selections will be based on the following key criteria:
Value across COIs
Cost per use
Quantity of content for $
User experience
Change cost to community
Quality of content for $
The RAC will be divided into three (3) teams comprised of four (4) members per team. Each team will have one (1) member per Community of Interest (COI). Additionally, NC LIVE staff, the full Resource Advisory Committee (RAC), and University of North Carolina General Administration (UNC-GA) will have defined sets of responsibilities.
1. Data Team (DT)
Assess available quantitative and qualitative data about current and potential new resources. Provide data-driven input to the assessment teams.
- Searches for assessment data about potential resources compiled by other consortia or libraries and available on the web.
2. New Resources Nomination & Assessment Team (NRNAT)
Investigate potential new resources and nominate those that demonstrate the potential to support NC LIVE’s member libraries.
- Solicits ideas from community, as well as via their own investigations.
Evaluate potential resources based on agreed-upon criteria.
- Recommends top-rated resources for pricing.
3. Current Resources Assessment Team (CRAT)
Evaluate current resources based on agreed-upon criteria.
- Recommends top-rated resources for renewal.
- Recommends low-rated resources for discontinuation and/or replacement with similar, but superior resource.
- Liaise with and support three teams; communicate with vendors; get pricing; negotiate terms; execute contracts; liaise with the NC LIVE Librarians Council (LC); manage communications with NC LIVE community.
Full RAC
Reviews final list of proposed resources and makes recommendation to the LC.
UNC General Administration
Assists with review of licenses and signs contracts on behalf of NC LIVE.
Librarians' Council
Reviews RAC’s recommendation and makes final decision on resources.
Timeline & Key Milestones
- Milestone 1: Agree on selection process & roles (July '22)
- Milestone 2: Agree on current & new resources (Jan ’23)
- Milestone 3: Resource Assessment & Comparison (March ’23).
- Milestone 4: Finalize selection decisions (May ’23)
- Milestone 5: Finalize contracts/Begin communications (Aug ’23)
- Milestone 6: Training (Fall ’23)
- Milestone 7: Official start date of new cycle (Jan 1, 2024)
Contact a COI representative on the RAC
- CHAIR: Jennifer Arnold, Central Piedmont Community College (email: jennifer.arnold [at] cpcc.edu (jennifer[dot]arnold[at]cpcc[dot]edu))
- Jess Bellemer, Lees-McRae College (email: bellemerj [at] lmc.edu (bellemerj[at]lmc[dot]edu))
- Jennifer Brosek, UNC-Charlotte (email: jbrosek [at] uncc.edu (jbrosek[at]uncc[dot]edu))
- David Bryden, High Point University (email: dbryden [at] highpoint.edu (dbryden[at]highpoint[dot]edu))
- Joel Ferdon, Stanly Community College (email: jferdon0525 [at] stanly.edu (jferdon0525[at]stanly[dot]edu))
- Rishara Finsel, Transylvania County Library (email: rishara.finsel [at] transylvaniacounty.org (rishara[dot]finsel[at]transylvaniacounty[dot]org))
- Rich Garafolo, Lenoir Community College (email: rmgarafolo48 [at] lenoircc.edu (rmgarafolo48[at]lenoircc[dot]edu))
- Ross Holt, Randolph County Public Library (email: rholt [at] randolphlibrary.org (rholt[at]randolphlibrary[dot]org))
- Joan Ruelle, Elon University (email: jruelle [at] elon.edu (jruelle[at]elon[dot]edu))
- Trina Rushing, Henderson County Public Library (email: trushing [at] hendersoncountync.gov (trushing[at]hendersoncountync[dot]gov))
- Tiffany Russell, North Carolina A&T State University (email: tbrussel [at] ncat.edu (tbrussel[at]ncat[dot]edu))
- Joseph Thomas, East Carolina University (email: thomasw [at] ecu.edu (thomasw[at]ecu[dot]edu))
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