Improved Searching for Our A-Z List

A preview of the A-Z databases page with a green arrow pointing to new search filters.


Our "Browse All Databases" page is updated with new filtering functionality! Now you can use faceted searching on the left-hand side of the page to filter resources by subject, format, accessibility features, and vendor. 

Among these exciting new filters is "Accessibility Features." Now you can quickly see which databases include specific accessibility features, such as color contrast, screen-reader compatibility, and more. Just filter by the feature you need to see a list of relevant resources.

Any direct links your library may be using to see specific formats on the "Browse All Databases" page, such as to ebooks, videos and articles, will continue to work with the updated page. 

If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to our Help Desk at help [at] (subject: A-Z%20Resource%20List%20Update, body: ) (help[at]nclive[dot]org).