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Three pastel bars representing growth to the left of text reading, "Boost your usage."

Maximizing E-Resource Engagement in Public Libraries

How can public libraries effectively market e-resources to increase usage and engagement? Join us on April 22 to learn strategies and success stories from a panel of public librarians.

A yellow background with interconnecting lines around the border. In the middle is text reading, "AI Research with Credo Reference."

Embedding AI in the Research Process

Join us on April 2 for an insightful webinar on incorporating AI into the research process. This session will explore how AI can support topic formation and critical thinking, alongside a comparison of Credo Reference’s Mind Map tool and other key research features.

A photo of Guilford college with a white NC LIVE logo superimposed.

Advanced Applications Workshop

Join us for an in-person workshop at Guilford College Library on April 25! This workshop will help you learn more about our resources, including how to support business research and enhance your e-resource marketing.