Resource Status
NC LIVE uses automated testing to detect resource outages. When it looks like a resource is down, NC LIVE staff will verify the outage and alert our libraries.
Last scan performed at 9:15 pm on March 27th.
Report an issueKnown Issues
Resource | Platform | Status |
North American Women's Letters and Diaries | North American Women's Letters and Diaries | Possible Outage Detected |
Resource | Platform | Status |
ABI/INFORM Collection | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
African American Poetry | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection | ProQuest Platform | OK |
American Poetry | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Arts & Humanities Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Asian & European Business Collection | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Australia & New Zealand Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Biological Science Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Bloomsbury Collections | ABC-CLIO Ebooks | OK |
Business Market Research Collection | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Canadian Newsstream | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Career & Technical Education Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
CINAHL Plus with Full Text | EBSCO Platform | OK |
Computer Science Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Consumer Health Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Consumer Reports | EBSCO Platform | OK |
Continental Europe Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
CQ Researcher | CQ Researcher | OK |
Credo Contemporary Issues Ebooks | OK | |
Credo Reference | Credo Reference | OK |
Criminal Justice Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Data-Axle Reference Solutions | Data-Axle Reference Solutions | OK |
Digital Sanborn Maps (1867-1970) for North Carolina | Digital Sanborn Maps (1867-1970) for North Carolina | OK |
Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
East & South Asia Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
East Europe, Central Europe Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Ebook Central Academic and Public Library Complete | Ebook Central Academic and Public Library Complete | OK |
Ebooks on EBSCOhost | EBSCO Platform | OK |
Education Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
eLibrary | Explore ProQuest Platform | OK |
Engineering Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
English Poetry | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Entrepreneurship Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Explora | OK | |
Exploring Race in Society | OK | |
Faber Poetry Library | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center | Ferguson's Career Guidance Center | OK |
Films on Demand / Access Video on Demand | Films on Demand Video Collection | OK |
Gale Ebooks | Gale Platform | OK |
Gale Literary Sources | Gale Platform | OK |
Gale Literature Resource Center | Gale Platform | OK |
Global Breaking Newswires | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Health & Medical Collection | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Healthcare Administration Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
HeritageQuest | HeritageQuest | OK |
Historic North Carolina Digital Newspaper Collection | Historic North Carolina Digital Newspaper Collection | OK |
History Study Center | ProQuest Platform | OK |
HomeGrown Ebooks Collection | HomeGrown Ebooks Collection | OK |
HomeGrown Ebooks Collection (OverDrive) | OK | |
hoopla | hoopla | OK |
India Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Indigenous Peoples of North America | OK | |
International Newsstream | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Just for Kids Streaming Collection | Just for Kids Streaming Collection | OK |
Latin America & Iberia Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
LearningExpress Library Complete and PrepSTEP Academic | LearningExpress Library Complete and PrepSTEP Academic | OK |
Library Science Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
LibWizard | OK | |
Linguistics Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
MasterFILE Premier | EBSCO Platform | OK |
Materials Science Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Middle East & Africa Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Military Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Morningstar Investing Center | Morningstar Investment Research Center | OK |
NC LIVE | OK | |
New York Times | ProQuest Platform | OK |
NoveList Plus | NoveList Plus | OK |
Nursing & Allied Health Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Nursing: Current Concepts and Practices Video Collection | OK | |
Omnigraphics Health Reference Sourcebooks | OK | |
Political Science Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
ProQuest Central | ProQuest Platform | OK |
ProQuest Learning: Literature | ProQuest Platform | OK |
ProQuest Research Companion | ProQuest Research Companion | OK |
ProQuest Research Library | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Psychology Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Public Health Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Religion Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Science Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
SIRS Discoverer | Explore ProQuest Platform | OK |
SIRS Issues Researcher | Explore ProQuest Platform | OK |
Social Explorer | Social Explorer | OK |
Social Science Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Sociology Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Statistical Abstract of the United States | Statistical Abstract of the United States | OK |
Telecommunications Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Transparent Language Online | Transparent Language Online | OK |
Turkey Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Twentieth-Century African American Poetry | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Twentieth-Century American Poetry | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Twentieth-Century English Poetry | ProQuest Platform | OK |
UK & Ireland Database | ProQuest Platform | OK |
US Newsstream | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Wall Street Journal | ProQuest Platform | OK |
Washington Post | ProQuest Platform | OK |