May 2017 Usage Statistics Now Available

All NC LIVE usage statistics are now updated through May 2017, with the exception of data from CQ Press and Films on Demand. This data will be published as soon as it is available. 

An Important Note about Films on Demand Usage Data - Films on Demand has identified a possible error with video usage stats in April and May in which some accounts may see an unusually large increase in views. They have requested that we do not use or download usage reports until they have corrected the issue. Because of this, NC LIVE has removed the April usage data and will update both April and May once the vendor rectifies their data.

As a reminder, many vendors have administrative modules available. You can use these modules to get your library's usage data directly from the vendor. Contact the NC LIVE Help Desk if you would like access to these modules.

If you have any questions regarding data definitions, please see our data definitions page.

Please let us know if you have questions about your usage data.