Hosted Proxy FAQs

Are EZproxy logs or usage statistics available?

EZproxy logs can be made accessible to libraries using NC LIVE Hosted Proxy. Please contact the help desk to fill out a consent form (library director signature required) and gain access to EZproxy logs.

How long does implementation of Hosted Proxy take?

Implementation takes about 4-6 weeks.

What resources am I responsible for?

Libraries are only responsible for locally subscribed resources. NC LIVE manages stanzas and proxy access for all NC LIVE resources.

What is the cost of Hosted Proxy?

Free! There is not cost for member libraries to implementing and use NC LIVE Hosted Proxy.

Where do I update local resource stanzas?

Resources are updated using ProxyAdmin ( Users login with the user name (not email) and password created at implementation. Need a refresher on how to use ProxyAdmin? Check out the video under "Need Training" on the NC LIVE Hosted Proxy page.

What is my library's proxy configuration (link to configuration page)?

Current library proxy configurations are available on the Proxy Configuration page. Please note this page is based on your IP address so the page must be viewed within your library.

What authentication methods are supported? (SIP, Shibboleth, LDAP, III)

NC LIVE Hosted Proxy is compatible with most authentication methods, including though not limited to: SIP, Shibboleth, LDAP, Innovative Interfaces Incorporated (III), SAML. If your preferred authentication method is not listed, please contact help [at] (help[at]nclive[dot]org) and we can confirm if it is compatible with NC LIVE Hosted Proxy.

What version of EZproxy is used and is it by port or name?

NC LIVE uses the most recent version of EZproxy and it is configured by host name.


  • After adding/editing/removing stanzas, click 'export'
  • Once the proxy server has restarted, test access to the proxy server and resources
  • If the proxy server fails, remove the recently added stanza(s) and restart the proxy server (export)
  • Review the entered stanza:
  • are all lines correct
  • verify an 'includefile database/example.txt' line is not present. Remove if one is.
  • contact the resource vendor to verify the stanza is correct
  • Enter the revised stanza and restart the proxy server
  • Repeat as needed