NC LIVE LibGuides Templates

A-Z Database List

Are you creating an A-Z Database List in LibGuides? You can use the information in our NC LIVE Databases A to Z List Spreadsheet in your A-Z list import template. 

LibGuides Template

NC LIVE also offers a LibGuides template for LibGuides v2 that includes all resource links, descriptions and categories for your library to customize.  The LibGuide includes a master list of all NC LIVE resources, plus a separate page for each of the resource categories.

By using these LibGuides as a template for your own library's LibGuides, you can add or delete resources, create new category pages, modify database descriptions and, if necessary, add your local proxy prefix.

How to:

To copy the content in LibGuides v2, create a new LibGuide, choose to copy content from a Community Guide, and search for this URL:

Caution Important Notes:

  • These LibGuides are intended to be used as templates for libraries to copy into their own LibGuides accounts. Please do not send your patrons directly to the NC LIVE LibGuides.
  • To keep the LibGuides in sync with our website, NC LIVE staff will periodically update the master links, descriptions, and categories.
  • Please refer to the LibGuides v2 Support pages for assistance, or contact the NC LIVE Help Desk if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.